Brian Kerrigan is an elite virtual family office professional, elite CPA with a tax focus serving ultra-high net worth business owners. He's also a specialist as part of The Due Diligence Project, Virtual Family Office hub. He has provided tax compliance and consulting services for large public and privately held companies throughout New England for more than 17 years.
What you will learn from this episode:
- How Brian reminds his clients that there are great opportunities in a time of crisis
- How he got started and why he chose this business
- How one of the key components to the due diligence process is really forensic analysis
- How curiosity is another pillar that is looked at for revolutionary due diligence
- What innovative approach Brian has for being proactive and bringing ideas to his business owner clients
- What advice Brian has for different types of segments and business owners
- How important his role is right now to business owners in terms of what's going to happen to their livelihoods over the next five years